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Quality Counts

In every house including yours, there are items or fixtures that don’t function right anymore. A tap that leaks or does not shut off all the way. Kitchen cabinet doors

What’s on Top of Your House?

Now that the snow is off your roof, you can rest easy because you inspected the flashings, vents, caulking and shingles and it looks as good as new, right? Unless

How Big Does Your Kitchen Need To Be?

It’s no secret that the trend in home building and renovations has been to maximize square footage and minimize the number of walls to give a spacious open feeling. Homes

Bachelors Bathroom

It’s always a joy to see a beautifully finished project with all of the final touches to make it picture perfect. Before the final reveal, however, there is a lot

Reno-Reality TV Shows

Several times a week, I see customers, suppliers and other contractors that like to bring up the subject of the different renovation shows they’ve seen recently on television. Everyone watches

Hiring a Contractor

It’s been my experience that most people would love to renovate one or more areas of their home. Then why don’t they? I hear three main reasons on a regular

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