Storage Places Which Need Your Immediate Attention

It is human tendency to have a uni-dimensional view of things. This habit is visible everywhere even in our homes. We will never forget to tidy up our kitchen, scrub our bathrooms and sweep our living rooms cleans. However, when it comes to our basements, lofts, and attics, we always wait for Christmas to de-clutter the mess. And then, crib about lack of storage space.

But these ignored spaces can actually prove to be great clutter busters instead of being areas that need excessively cleaning at the end of each year. A little regard for these spaces can be useful in ways more than one. Here are a few dirty places in your home that need immediate attention:

Your Closet

It’s always convenient to buy newer clothes, accessories, and shoes but when it comes to storage, things can get problematic. Have you ever felt like your closet is a black hole where whatever goes in never seems to be found again? If yes, then you certainly need to re-organize your closet. Organizing your closet neatly not only saves you precious time while getting dressed but also enhances the life of your clothes and shoes greatly. You can also consider storing all your shoes in identical shoe boxes with a snapshot of the respective shoe in the front. This way you will be able to get what you need when you need it.

Your Basement

Your basement is not your in-house dumping yard. It is an essential room which if designed well can add a lot more space to your home. For starters, you should get rid of all the clutter in your basement. Then you might consider giving it a complete makeover. With the help of a good home renovation company, you can get your basement re-designed efficiently. If you are not willing to spend much, then you can try using smart storage solutions. The use of cubbies is a popular option when it comes to basement storage that optimizes your space greatly.

Your Attic

Your attic can be a lot more than a cluttered storeroom for your home. A well-organized attic will help you stock a lot more belongings and help you reduce your storage problems. To begin with, you should consider getting your attic cleaned. A cool, dry and well-ventilated attic can be used to store non-seasonal clothes. You can get some stylish cupboards and shelves to store the clothes you won’t be using regularly. Alternately, you can also convert this space into a playroom for your kids.

Here were a few dirty places in your home that need immediate attention. To know more about storage tips and solutions, reach out to our home improvement experts at ACT Home Services. 


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