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Renovation Projects That Should Be Done During the Fall

Updated: Nov 22, 2022

Fall in Canada is a beautiful time. The different shades of yellow, orange and red just add to its charm. While enjoying the season, there are also a number of home renovation Edmonton projects which can be done with ease. Not all seasons are favorable for renovation projects. But due to its favorable climate and pleasant humidity, fall is a great time for completing remodeling endeavors.

Here are a few home renovation projects which can be done effortlessly in the fall:

Remodel Your Kitchen

Winter is just around the corner. The holiday season will be coming soon. Fall is the best time to complete any renovation or remodeling requirements of your kitchen. You would not want a loose cabinet or a damaged countertop spoiling your holiday cooking. Scheduling a kitchen remodel during the fall ensures your scullery is prepared for the holidays.

Clean the Gutters

The start of fall means a lot of dry leaves will be accumulating in your gutter. Though cleaning your gutters may seem like a hard task, it is essential to avoid clogging of the ice water when the winter starts. Make sure you clean the gutters after the leaves have fallen. Also, drain out the gutters with water to check for leaks and breakage in the pipe.

Check Your Heating Systems

It is crucial to get a complete maintenance check for your furnace and water heater prior to the beginning of winter. Breakdown of your heating systems can be a pain during the extreme cold. Ensure that your heating systems are in top working condition and make sure all the maintenance checks are completed during the fall.

Repaint Your House

Taking up home exterior renovation projects can be tricky during the snowy season. So why not focus on home interior renovation projects instead? Remodeling your bedroom or renovating your bathroom venting during the fall is a good idea. This is because, with the help of a reliable contractor, these projects can be completed timely and you can prepare your home for the cold weather.

A major issue that homeowners face during the fall is an excess accumulation of fallen leaves. Make sure you clean out the leaves after they have fallen. Re-organize your deck furniture to avoid direct contact with snowfall during the winter. Make sure the boards are water resistant. If they are not, you might consider their replacement.

Undertaking the above-mentioned home renovation projects would not only beautify your home but also make it ready for the coming winter. Exterior home renovation in Edmonton can be difficult to undertake during the winter. Hence, consider getting these remodeling projects off your list, this fall. To get complete assistance with your renovation projects, contact our experts at ACT home services today.

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